عروس البحر الأبيض

عروس البحر الأبيض

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

They Say ....

They say when you talk about your problems you feel better, but I never felt better after talking ... Maybe because I stopped talking about them ..
They say talk about your fears, but how will you ever talk about them when no one listens ??
They say it's nice to simply forget about "everything" and go to bed, but if "everything" always surrounds you, you simply can't stay in bed forever !!
They say you feel better after crying, but then if there are many things that keep you always crying, when is the "time" to feel better??
They say we all make mistakes and we should learn from our mistakes, but then how come I make millions of mistakes and never "learn" from any of them??
They say tomorrow everything will be alright, tomorrow keeps on arriving everyday with the sun rise, but "alright" never arrives ...
They say that one day everything will make perfect sense, but I think this "one day" died years ago and they are holding onto something that doesn't exist ...

They say nothing deserves your tears, but then why were tears created ??
They say who cares what people say about you, but then why would people talk about you if nothing is "wrong" with you ??
They say smile and the world smiles back at you, cry and you cry alone, but when I smile, no "world" is there to smile and when I cry I certainly do cry "alone"...
They say be the source of hope, happiness, encouragement and inspiration to others and you shall find all of this coming back to you when you are depressed, I have always been like that but nothing seems to remove my depression ...
They say when you help others, others shall help you when you need them, but people simply keep on turning away when I am in need although I am rarely in need ...

They say work hard and you shall get all what you want but I worked more than hard and got worse than those who did "little" ...
They say fight for your dreams and they shall come true, I have been fighting for years and the battle is almost over but nothing seems more "true" than not getting any dream ...
They say if you want something, leave it, you don't know what is good for you , but then what about the time they said "fight for your dreams" ??? And why can't what I want be what is "good" ?? Why is always what you "want" not what is "good" and what is "good" not what you "want" ??
They say that happiness is not to get what you want but to be content with what you were given, but then how come people become "happy" when they get what they "want" ??
They say the end will be good if the path was bumpy but the end of my bumpy path was even "bumpier" ..
They say who cares about the end as long as you tried your best on your way there but then how could anyone be happy with a miserable "ending" ??
They said not to worry as everyone's life has got problems, but then what should I do if my life is a "problem" itself ??
They say that people don't usually mean what they say, but what if the people keep on saying the same thing over and over again ?? And how come people always think I mean what I say ??
They say that people should respect their different views, but then when my view is different, they simply mark it as "useless"....

They say things which they want me to listen to and apply but they never apply it themselves ... They know that none of this was true, is true or will ever be true ...
They say and say and I am simply tired of them saying .. I am tired of my self trying to listen .. I am tired of trying to be on track ... I was always an optimist, but I think that I was fooling myself, nothing will ever change, "tomorrow" will never come, no dream will ever come "true" and nothing will be "better" ....


For ISLAM said...

Who say , say to live
But the truth is that really "no tomorrow as you say" and if it come any day it definitely will go and if it still with you, you who will go because the death will come :(

Depressed words, I never love depression. But till when I fool myself?!!

كفى يا نفس ما كان :(

Anonymous said...

Thank you! :) I know that depression was never the solution, but not everything is within a person's hands ... Let's just say it's one of my depression cycles that will not last long إن شاء الله :)
Thanks a lot !! :) فعلا "فكان خيرا له" كما قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم
اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الهم والحزن
اللهم إني أسألك حسن الختام والنعيم في الجنان :(( ء
انت اللي على طول الخط فاهماني وعارفة لما بكتب كلام كدة بيكون قصدي إيه وإيه بيكون السبب
الواحد نفسه يدخل الجنة بسرعة (مش هقول نفسه يموت عشان الرسول قال لا تتمنوا الموت) بس كفاية على الواحد أوي شقاء وقرف لحد كدة ... يا رب الجنة :((( ء

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